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Solutions > AI Speech Analytics

AI Speech Analytics

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Protect Yourself from Legal Action

Satisfy regulation, compliance and protect yourself from legal action with our cutting edge speech analytics AI powered solution. Calls are transcribed in seconds, broken down into a conversation format between your agent and a customer, specified keywords are flagged and highlighted for review. Umbrella Tech's AI raises the bar with intent recognition, unlike solutions out there, the AI can identify customer's intent through speech and verbiage used by the customer even if flagged keyword was not used. 
For example a specified common key word is "legal action", customer may say "this will be resolved in court", the intent is legal action however exact verbiage was not used. Umbrella Tech's AI is capable of flagging intent and escalating immediately to management with an email, SMS and phone call. 

Image by Romain Dancre

AI Call Speech Analytics Demo

A debtor, David in this case, calls Umbrella Tech's AI as part of a role playing activity. Please note this is a fictious call and no self harm occurred, the call is used to simply demonstrate the functionality of the AI. David is frustrated at the beginning and threatens to take legal action. Then he proceeds to make threats to the agent and finally threatens that he will commit suicide. The AI agent in this case was instructed to flag keywords and intent for: legal action and suicide as well as detect threats. The AI was also instructed to escalate with an urgent email to management if suicide was via the word usage or intent identified. Escalation paths can include SMS and a voice call in real time. 

Do not forget to download the PDF report that is generated from the call for management review, analysis and escalations.

Demo - Customer Calling Collection Agent
Umbrella Tech Solutions

Bringing the AI revolution to your doorsteps

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